Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Emerald Creek Capital's Mark Bahiri on the Emerald Creek Scholarship Foundation

Since founding Emerald Creek Capital in 2009, my business partner Mark Penna and I have received immense gratification from donating to various charitable causes and organizations. Desiring to do even more to help others achieve their dreams, we started the Emerald Creek Scholarship Foundation.

In short, the Emerald Creek Scholarship Foundation targets young students who excel in their studies. The Emerald Creek Scholarship Foundation provides those students with the financial support they need, offering up to $5,000 toward higher education. Every year, we look forward to helping high school seniors focus more on learning and less on the financial burden that often accompanies educational requirements.

Mark Penna and I act as Co-Chairmen of the Emerald Creek Scholarship Foundation. In addition to our Foundation duties, Mark and I preside over Emerald Creek Capital, analyzing changing market conditions and looking for new commercial real estate financing opportunities. Emerald Creek Capital typically closes loans within one to two weeks, enabling clients to proceed with other business matters, secure in the knowledge that they received the financing they needed.

I am grateful that Emerald Creek Capital's success has allowed us to donate time and resources to causes as worthy as the Emerald Creek Scholarship Foundation.

About Emerald Creek Capital:

Emerald Creek Capital leverages over 30 years of collective experience with over $500 million in granted loans. Since its inception in 2009, Emerald Creek Capital has approved financing for major businesses in New York City, offering flexible loans from $500,000 to $20 million over terms of one to three years.


  1. This is a great post about Emerald Creek Capital! I have been to Emerald City many times and every time I go I have the most amazing experiences.

  2. It's good to see Emerald Creek Capital's involvement in the community. I think a lot of people think they are in it for themselves but they help a lot of people.

  3. This is excellent! I love the Emerald Creek Capital for all it's worth. It's excellent!

  4. I would like to refinance my home. Can you recommend the best Emerald Creek Capital for refinancing? Thanks!

  5. I am looking more and more into emerald creek capital and what it is all about. If you can help inform me, that would be great.

  6. Thanks for this. I have never been to emerald creek capital.
